Events News

Fresh Tank Beer has arrived in St Albans

Written by Ian Boyd

This method of beer dispense can occasionally be found in bars throughout Europe, especially in Prague, and has recently been introduced into a very few select pubs in London and other locations throughout the UK. Several years ago, the 2016 St Albans Beer & Cider Festival offered tank fresh naturally carbonated Pilsner Urquell shipped over from the Czech Republic.

Now in St Albans we have a pub serving tank beer as a regular offering. Just before Christmas 2021, the Mad Squirrel Tap located just by the Cathedral, installed a 500L copper tank in its bar to serve unpasteurised $UMO – a Pale Ale, freshly tanked in from its brewery in Potten End, Hemel Hempstead.

The official opening of this tank at the Mad Squirrel Tap Room, Heritage Close, 17 High Street, St Albans AL3 4ED will be on Friday 7th January 2022 at 7pm.

All CAMRA members are invited to come and join manager James Ward and our very own branch member, award-winning internationally renowned beer writer Roger Protz together with members of the local brach committee to celebrate the official opening.

For those with time to spare before this, there will be a mini pub crawl in St Albans to sample a variety of beers with different dispense methods, starting at 5pm taking in the following pubs –

5.00 Craft & Cleaver (Craft Keg)
5.40 The Boot (Hand Pull)
6.20 Dylans (Hand Pull & Craft Keg)
6.50 Mad Squirrel Tap (Hand Pull, Craft Keg & TANK)

Look forward to seeing you there!

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