CAMRA LocAle is an accreditation scheme to promote pubs that sell locally-brewed real ale, reducing the number of ‘beer miles’ and supporting your local breweries. In South Herts we include pubs that regularly serve a beer brewed in Hertfordshire.
These brewers all brew real ale in Hertfordshire.
- 3 Brewers of St Albans
- Bowtie
- Buntingford
- Farr Brew
- Garden City
- Hardline
- Mad Squirrel
- McMullen
- New River
- Oxhey Village
- Pope’s Yard
- Six Hills
- Tring
- Two Bob
Accredited pubs
Please visit the national CAMRA website to view the listing of pubs in the branch who qualify for the LocAle scheme.
Click here to view LocAle accredited pubs
If you are aware of any pubs that have started serving a regular beer brewed in Hertfordshire, or indeed have noticed one of the above pubs no sell a regular Hertfordshire beer, then please let us know by emailing pubs@hertsale.org.uk.